Long Waitlists · Chronic Absenteeism · Families at Capacity · Lack of MTSS Framework
Before partnering with Cartwheel, Miamisburg City Schools faced challenges in connecting students in need of mental health support with community providers. Even when connections were established, many families lacked the time or resources to access care. Despite the district’s commitment to supporting the whole child, a combination of high-need cases and persistent absenteeism had hindered the full development of its multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) framework.
1:1 Student Teletherapy · Reduced Wait Times · Simple Referral Process
Cartwheel’s 1:1 teletherapy program is available to all Miamisburg students both during the school day and after hours, providing the ease and flexibility families need to make therapy work for them. Wait times have been drastically reduced, giving schools scope to focus on Tier 1 preventative measures such as relationship building. Today, more than 80% of students report that they feel safe, accepted and valued at school and almost 90% of parents report that they feel comfortable reaching out to school staff.
Miamisburg partners with Cartwheel via The Montgomery County Educational Service Center (MCESC) allowing students and families to access mental health services they wouldn’t otherwise have due to waitlists, insurance issues, language availability, transportation, and other barriers.
Students across 11 schools
Students are economically disadvantaged
Student minority enrollment
Students qualify for free or reduced-price meals
Total sessions
Average time to outreach
Students believe telehealth is as good or better than in person
Improvement in PHQ8
Average therapy sessions per student (2x the engagement of other telehealth programs)
Self-esteem · Relationships · Depression