Miamisburg City Schools

helped families access quicker pathways to mental health care


Students across 11 schools


Students are economically disadvantaged


Student minority enrollment


Students qualify for free or reduced-price meals

“Our parents were consistently telling us that mental health support in our area was difficult to navigate and took an inordinate amount of time to access. Because of the long wait time, students were not getting the help they needed. Within a short period, we are helping to close the gap, and Cartwheel has been instrumental in that effort.”

Kathleen Lucas
Director of Student Services


Total sessions

20 hours

Average time to outreach


Students believe telehealth is as good or better than in person

3.4 point

Improvement in PHQ8


Average therapy sessions per student (2x the engagement of other telehealth programs)

Top referral reasons

Self-esteem · Relationships · Depression

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